promoting the sport of fly fishing through education and conservation

     BUFF Registration System - Trip Leader Guide
     Setup Considerations

    Departure and Return dates are used by the system to calculate how many overnights are included in your trip.
    A capacity limit may be specified to set the cut-off for confirmed registrations. Any registrations above this limit will be wait-listed and will require you to manually admit the registrant if you believe they can be squeezed in (see Overbooking below). Registrations are listed in the order taken, and attempting to increase the number of attendees for an existing registration will not be allowed if it would result in overbooking.
      Liability Waivers
    You will need to decide whether liability waivers should be required for the trip. Generally, waivers should be taken when participants will be travelling out of town or will be on the water. For instance, fishing trips will require waivers (out of town). A casting clinic involving wading in the LMR would require them (on water). Parky’s Farm activities do not qualify (bank fishing in town). When in doubt, please consult one of the club officers for guidance.
      Deposit Requirement
    You may choose to require participants to make a trip deposit before their registration is confirmed. If you take this option, online registrations will be marked as "Pending" and will remain so until you receive their deposit AND you yourself mark their registration as "Paid".
      Rain Date (optional)
    If you specify a rain date, members will be able to sign up for that date only, if they are unavailable for the main trip date.
      Repeating Event
    You can specify the number of sessions and days between sessions for repeating events. The event date will advance the day after each session until the final session has occurred.
      Trip Description
    You will need to provide a write-up discussing details of your trip (destination, accommodations, equipment, clothing, meals, etc). The write-up may contain hyperlinks (maps, weblinks, etc.) which the webmaster can build for you. There is plenty of space provided for this information.
    Getting Started
   Contact the current BUFF Trips Director (Steve Bailey for 2018) to discuss your plans and obtain a trip description template.
     Admin Responsibilities

      Trip Management
    As trip leader, you will automatically have access to the Admin portion of the system via the "TripLeaders Menu" link found in the upper right side of the main Registration page. There you have full control to view and update all details of the trip. You may:
- Change details of the trip setup (capacity, dates, description, requirements)
- View registrations in extra detail, including waiver status and deposit payments of each registrant
- Create email to the entire group with one click
- Add, Update, and Delete individual registrations (click their name to update/delete)
- Issue individual or group reminders to those who haven't completed a waiver (if required).
      Monitoring Registrations
    You will receive email notification any time the enrollment on your trip changes. This includes new registrations, changes in number, and deleted registrations. Updates that do not affect enrollment will not always be copied to you, so it is advisable that you periodically visit the trip summary page to monitor the overall status of registrations and communicate with the group as needed.
      Confirmation for Overbooking
    You will receive email notification in the event of a registration that exceeds the trip capacity. The registrant likewise will be advised that their status is "Pending" and they should contact you to discuss. You may want to initiate the contact, especially if your capacity is strictly fixed. If something can be worked out, you should then update their registration to confirm it manually.

This is achieved by clicking their name on the Registration Summary page. There is a STATUS box on the Update Registration page. You will need to click the "Confirmed" button and "CONTINUE" to manually confirm a registration in the case where it was overbooked but arrangements have been made to allow it. The registrant will receive a confirmation email once you have updated their registration.

In similar fashion, you can UNconfirm a registration for whatever reason by clicking the "Pending" button (and CONTINUE), and the registrant will received a notice to that effect.

Note: a registration may indicate "zero" slots, which allows event helpers to sign up without physically taking up capacity space and creating an overbooking. This is useful for classes like Fly Tying so helpers can register.
    Trip Leaders are allowed to sign up non-members for their trips. The person’s email is not required in this case, but is highly recommended if available, for communication purposes. There are special waiver considerations (see below) for non-members.
      Waiver Considerations
    When a liability waiver is required for your trip, all new registrations will be marked as "Pending" until the waiver is performed. The online waiver process will automatically confirm the registration (assuming any other requirements are met).

In cases where more than one slot is reserved in a registration, the additional participant(s) cannot be positively identified by the system, so their waivers cannot be performed online. In these cases, paper waiver forms must be completed and submitted to you. As you receive these forms, you must manually update the registration and check the "Manual Waiver" box provided. This will confirm the registration (again, assuming all other requirements are met).

Similarly, minors must get the waiver signed by a parent or guardian, and so these waivers also cannot be performed online and must be provided via paper form and manually recorded by you (as described above).

Also, in the case of non-members when no email address is provided in the registration, a manual waiver form will be required. You will need to inform these individuals personally of the waiver requirement, since no email communication can be sent by the system.

A provision is available for you to issue email reminders to any participants who have not yet completed their liability waiver requirement. There is a button placed in the lower right side of the Summary page for this purpose. Before clicking this button, be sure you have updated individual registrations for any paper waiver forms you may have received.

When waivers are required, the bottom of the Summary page will give you a count of the paper forms you should expect to receive. This is based on the number of multiple-slot and non-member registrations as described above (but note … the count may not be exact, since the system cannot detect registration of minors).

BUFF guidelines specify that all paper forms you collect should be delivered to the Trip Director (on the Board of Directors) for scanning and storage.
      Deposit Payments
    When a deposit is required for confirmation on your trip, all new registrations will be marked as "Pending" until such time as you receive the deposit and mark the registration as "Paid". You must manually update the registration and check the "Paid" box provided. This will confirm the registration (assuming all other requirements are met), and the registrant will receive a confirmation email.
      Rain Outs
    If you have set up a rain date and then actually have a rainout, you need to edit the trip details and set the trip date to be equal to the rain date. This allows you to then activate any rain-only registrations, space permitting. Once activated, those registrations will need to perform a waiver, and you must send waiver reminders so that the activated members will get a waiver link.
    Two email features are provided to trip leaders. You may initiate an email to the entire group of participants by clicking the "Email this Group" button at the bottom of the Registration Summary page. You may also email any of the registrants individually by clicking their "link" in the email column of the Summary.
    As a tripleader, you will be able to modify the BUFF calendar (which is independent of the Trip Registration system). Once you sign in to Member Services and then go to the BUFF Calendar, the calendar's event titles become clickable links where you can modify the dates and details of your event.
      Delegation of Duties
    If trip leader responsibilities have changed hands, this can be indicated by editing the trip details and providing a new trip leader email name. At this time, the system only allows for one trip leader to be identified for each trip. In the case where there are truly multiple leaders, the name provided should be the person who will perform the above administrative duties within the system.

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