SEPTEMBER 19, 12001

ATTENDANCE: Jim LeBlond, Dave
Uckotter, Mike Bryant, Tony and Lora Kalbli, Lou Haynes, Bill Fisher, Bob
Jon Kennard, Don Prince

MEMBERSHIP: Don Prince reported
membership is at 260 with about 10 memberships ready to expire. Joe
Panfalone advised Pro Bass Shop is out of brochures. We decided to
reproduce them in black and white only to avoid high cost of color.
Discussion was held about coding them for tracking purposes, but the
has a line to denote "where you heard about us". Tony Kalbli
motioned and Don Prince seconded to stop the a $12 Buffer Only
subscription. Motion was approved.

TREASURER: Louise Goldsberry
submitted written report.

EDITORSHIP: Mike Bryant has
fishing articles and NKFF Banquet article, but needs something on education,
Mad and Eastfork Rivers.

TRIPS: Joe Guenther not
present. Discussion that there will be no northern Ohio steelhead trip
it will be removed from the calendar.

WEBSITE: Joe Panfalone needs
approval for $120 a year to add space. Lora Kalbli motioned to
approve the funds for an increase in website space for an additional $120

per year. Bill Fisher seconded. The motion
passed. Joe also reiterated his desire to step away as webmaster
in the very near future.

EDUCATION: Ed Jones, not
present. Lora Kalbli presented a draft form to track service
It will be reworked and resubmitted in October.

CONSERVATION: Bob Goldsberry and
Bill Riehle, not present.

GLC & FFF: Tony Kalbli
reported the Great Lakes Council Fall Steelhead trip is Nov. 1-4 at Barothy's
Lodge on the Pere Marquette in Michigan. Cost is $165 for 4 day, 3 night

stay and $130 for 3 day 2 night stay. Also there is a Great Lakes
Fly Tying Expo in Lansing, Michigan with tiers from all over the
Expo is followed by an exciting raffle. Tony provided details for the

PROGRAMS: Steve Groomes, not
present. It was mentioned that we will be having Jerry Darkes in
October. It was decided not to open the October meeting to the
public. The Board felt it important to have the first meeting to be for
our members benefit and to become comfortable in our new surroundings before
open meetings to the public. Tony Kalbli informed Board of speakers that

MVFF will be bringing in and discussions was held about possibly linking with
them for a future speaker.

TRIPS: Joe Guenther, not
present. It was reported that about six people attended the
Cumberland trip with fair results. Fish were spooky but all had
a good time.
Salmon Trip needs a coordinator for Nov.
16-18. Mike will advertise for a coordinator and participants in the
Buffer. Discussion was held about dates being off by a day in calendar
listings and the need to recheck them.

RAFFLES: Bob Jones will scout
Cabelas for November raffle item(s).

DINNERS: Discussion to let Clarion
decide menu for October meeting and give us there best shot.

MISCELLANEOUS: The Board Approved
flowers for Louise Goldsberry. Lora will order them and deliver.
Jones will see if Red Lose can be present at the October meeting for
presentation of his funds for Mad River TU. Jim LeBlond will contact
Blauvelt and ask him to be present at the meeting to receive
check. Tony Kalbli motioned to round out the check to
Mad River TU to an even $1000. Bill Fisher seconded and the motion was
approved. Joe Panfalone motioned and Don Prince seconded a motion to
implement a Buff Service Award to be voted on by Board members only after

fly fisher of the year is picked and the award(s) will be presented at the
Cabin Fever Banquet for a maximum of three recipients to recognize outstanding

work for the club. Motion was approved. Lou Haynes and
President will select appropriate award. Lora Kalbli will inquire of a
lawyer the need to register "Buckeye United Fly Fishers and/or B.U.F.F." with
the State of Ohio. Jim Leblond remarked that only 3-4 people turned out
for the Banquet Planning meeting. Jon Kennard is getting a display board

together for use at the Hart Sport Show and for Membership Coordinator to use
monthly meetings and the annual Sport Show. There will also be a "trips"

table at the monthly meetings. The Anglers Outfitters ad will the
pulled/replaced in the Buffer with a note of thanks for their past support of
our club. Tony Kalbli motioned that an event coordinator has the
authority to require a refundable deposit of $25 and a maximum of $50 to
insure a reserved space in a class/event, i.e. casting lessons, net and
building, etc. Joe Panfalone seconded the motion. The motion was
approved. Deposit checks should be made payable to BUFF.
Tony Kalblli again reiterated a proposal to develop an instructor program for
casting. So far interested instructors are Steve Groomes, Bob Fountain,
Mike Bryant, Dave Uckotter, Bob Gray, and Tony Kalbli. Mike Bryant will
again run the article asking for interested volunteers to contact Tony.
will follow up on the results at next meeting. Lastly, Tony Kalbli
motioned that the Board Approve fund disbursement for the Terrorists Victim's
Relief. It was decided that $500 should be sent to the New York City
Firefighters Relief fund and locally $500 to the Wendy Faulkner Memorial
Children's Fund. Wendy was a local woman killed in the attack whose
charitable work of sponsoring refugee families will need support to
continue. Don Prince seconded the motion and the motion was

TABLED: East Fork Trail
Donation (in budget): Lifetime membership

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Lora Kalbli, Secretary