Buff Board Meeting Minutes October 20, 1999

Members present -
Bob Jones, Bill Fischer, Mike Bryant, Joe Panfalone, Tony Kalbli, BobGoldsberry, Louise Goldsberry, Ed Jones, Mike Suo, Jim LeBlond, Jane Cook.

Membership - the Board would like to commend Don Prince for the great job on membership badges.

Treasures Report - see attached. The board discussed what to do about the $5000.00 CD that
matures on 10-21-99. Bob Jones moved, Ed Jones seconded to roll it over into a 3 month CD at
whatever bank Louise decides. Audit report will be in this months Buffer.

Buff Editorship - Ted reported that he is short on articles for the next few months. Ted is resigning the Buff editorship due to work and family commitments, Mike Bryant will be stepping in to the position. Tony suggested that we may be able to get the Buffer collated in exchange for advertising, Ted will pursue.

Web Site - nothing to report. We will make board motions available to the membership through the Buffer.

Conservation - Bob Goldsberry received an award for his conservation efforts in Clermont Co.
Jorge and he did stream monitoring on the Mad, 4 of the 7 people working were Buffers.

Education - Ed moved, Joe seconded that we establish our conservation award for the second year at the same monetary level as last year. Motion carried. Ed will handle all the particulars. Ed will get a report from last years recipient.

Programs - Dennis Potter will be the speaker in November, fly tying.

Trips - 2 good trips were completed, no report on upcoming ones.

Raffles - no report.

General Topics

CFRB - we still need a 4th speaker. 
