November,  2003 B.U.F.F. BOD Meeting


Present: Bryant, Fischer, D. Jones, Mackey, Hogue, Kennard, Mowell, LeBlond, Howell, Shirley, D & J Hampton, Panfalone, Prince, West, Baker, Haynes, Guenther, B. Jones.

· Future Leaders – Mike Bryant handed out 2004 BUFF Officer BOD/KeyPosition list for consideration.  Joe Panfalone suggested a position to develop kids programs. The Conservation Chair (Bob wants to concentrate on fishing) and Beginning Casting Coordinator need to be filled, Jim Boude was suggested for Hart Show and Paul Feldman for Club Historian; Jim Hampton accepted Monthly Raffles responsibility. Patti Howell requested thinking about a replacement for Banquet position for 2005. This will be finalized and ready for election at December monthly meeting.   

· Fly Fisher of the Year Award – good response with nominations. Nominations are still open through December monthly meeting. Don Hogue will contact Linda Roederer to price out cost of new awards, price breaks, etc.  Election will be in January. 

· BOD Award Criteria: eligibility – all members; only one award each year; voted by BOD board at January board meeting; award given at February meeting; previous year’s recipients and President are not eligible; if FFOY recipient is winner the BOD award will go to 2nd top vote winner; votes collected by President. Bob Jones will look into what the award will be. 

· 2004 Calendar Updates – 90% in place – discussion ensued to finalize dates.  Lou Hanes has checked meeting areas for next summer; Warren County Park has no access to the river.  Little Miami Canoe Livery offered the picnic grounds for the August meeting, cost $100. and threw in July for free.  Bill Miller motioned we accept this offer and Doug Mowell seconded.  Motion passed. 

· Education: Ken West has the Rockwell trip locked in, April 24/25, will have finalized soon. Joe Guenther  said he would have dates for day trips to Jon Kennard for the calendar and Don Prince is working on day trips for web site.  Rod building class is at 7 p.m. and no second class is planned. Tom West is checking with Paul for net building class, sign up sheet will be available at December meeting and in the BUFFER.  Fly tying classes in March. 

Joe Guenther and Ken West volunteered to go to the Bass shop’s early morning Thanksgiving Day sale to purchase raffle items for the Banquet.  Patti Howell is authorized to provide cash for these purchases.  Doug Mowell motioned to buy three rods with $160. Tom West seconded, motion passed. 

· Upcoming planning meetings: Tom West is having the Education Committee meeting December 8th at 7 p.m. at his house.  He will e-mail directions.  Mike will have a meeting for the FF show in early December and will e-mail information.  Patti Howell said the next Banquet meeting will be January 4th at 1 p.m. in the club house. 

· FFF Ohio Sub-Council: Lou Haynes reported seven people from four clubs met in Mansfield.  They voted on various issues - 2 members of each club will be directors; one meeting each quarter; develop a web site and newsletter; have membership drives and fund-raisers; sign a logo and to develop ten clubs and become a full council.  The next meeting is in January in Cleveland.  Mike accepted the position as representative for the Ohio council to the FFF. 

· Mike Bryant received a letter and receipt from the Ohio Smallmouth Alliance/Madd River Outfitters thanking BUFF for the $150. donation to their 10th Anniversary Banquet. 

· Lou Haynes requested an update on club purchases to be added to the inventory list. 

· Membership Report: Dave Jones reported 239 members, five new this month, one dropped off.  38 members elected to receive BUFFER through e-mail. 

· Don Hogue gave the Treasure’s Report – see attached.  Joe Panfalone asked why he has a $289.52 charge to the web site?  Don will check and revise. 

· Communication: Jon Kennard stated the BUFFER deadline is the 24th!  Grumbles were heard.  The next two issues of BUFFER will be show heavy.  Joe Panfolone reported his computer crashed but has recovered all.  He has changed the format – a bit.  He said he is getting 4,000 visitors to the site a month.  Joe is concerned about if something happens to him  the club would not be able to get into the web site without knowing the access company and pass word.  Mike asked him to prepare information for the December BOD meeting.  Joe also announced he and the Country Angler will do a barter.  In exchange for four articles written by Joe, the BUFF will get advertising in the Country Angler. 

· Trips: Joe Guenther said the Wilds and Elkhorn trip dates will be solidified within the next two weeks and will get the information to Mike and Jon. 

· Education: Tom and Ken are planning on other seminars after Glen and Wayne’s fly tying next month.  Ken is doing a program with kids from Hopewell’s 8th & 9th grades. 

A reminder to all to keep track of volunteer hours for the IRS. 

· Outreach: Debbie Hampton reported that Briarwood can’t do the retreat for Casting for Recovery so she will be contacting Deercreek State Park to lock in dates with them. 

· Banquet: Patti Howell and Jim LeBlond requested all club members start promoting the FFS and Banquet as there is some misunderstanding that they are canceled instead of being on separate dates.  It would help to emphasis the big items for raffles and as you attend other meetings to promote these two events.  Bob Mackey asked Joe Panfalone if he can promote the banquet and FF show for the 4,000 hits he has received on the web site from people looking for information.  Joe said he could.  Debbie asked if it could also be posted on the FFF web site. 

The meeting went over time – Lou Haynes motioned to close the meeting, Jon Kennard seconded.