ATTENDANCE: Kennard, B & L Goldsberry, Haynes, D Jones, LeBlond, Baker, Matthews...

TREASURER'S REPORT: See attached. B Goldsberry moved for authorization to use credit cards for payments to BUFF for a 2 month trial. Baker seconded. Motion passed.

MEMBERSHIP: 23 names were dropped from the membership list for nonpayment of dues.

BUFFER: Need articles for the December issue. A form for the telephone list will be printed again. An insert for making reservation for the CFRD will be included in the next issue.

CONSERVATION: NKFF is involved with trying to improve water quality in Kentucky streams. We need to help them.

EDUCATION: Haynes moved that BUFF purchase a used digital projector with a carrying case from ATI for $510. D Jones seconded. Motion passed.

PROGRAMS: Brett Billings will speak at the December meeting probably on the Cumberland river. Brian Fieshig will speak on fishing for fresh water Tarpon in January.

TRIPS: No report.

RAFFLES: The November raffle was successful.