Board of Directors Meeting

November 21, 2001



IN ATTENDANCE:  Jim LeBlond, Dave Uckotter, Jayne Uckotter, Louise Goldsberry, Bob Goldsberry, Bob Jones, Bill Fischer, Mike Bryant, Jon Kennard, Tony Kalbli, Joe Panfalone, Joe Guenther  ABSENT:  Steve Grooms, Ed Jones, Don Prince, Bill Riehle.


MEMBERSHIP:  Don Prince – no report


TREASURER: Louise Goldsberry – Louise reported that 34 people called in for dinner reservations and 54 dinners were served.  The raffle brought in 420.00  and the club made 200.00 on the raffle.  Louise is checking on the possibility of adding salad and dessert to the dinner menu.


BUFFER – Mike Bryant – Mike needs articles for the following:  sports show and banquet, trips, president’s corner, and Hart Show.


WEB SITE – Joe Panfalone – Joe needs general articles about the sports show and banquet.  Would like to change the web site twice a month.


CONSERVATION – Bob Goldsberry, (Bill Riehle absent) – Bob reported stream monitoring yielded excellent at the 222 Park area.  New member Sandy Pinchot and her two sons from Lebanon helped with the monitoring, and showed great interest.  Also assisting were Hank Gilliam, Jon Kennard, Dave Uckotter.  The 4th Annual Quality Summit will be held at Clermont College on Dec. 12, 8:30-1:30.  Dave Uckotter and Bob Goldsberry will represent BUFF.  Bob Goldsberry has been invited as a consultant.


CLC/FFF – Tony Kalbli – Tony reminded us of the Tying Expo on Dec. 1 in Lancing, Michigan.


PROGRAMS – Steve Grooms – not present, report given by Mike Bryant.  Nate McGinnis, Orvis sales rep. will be the guest speaker for the Dec. meeting.  Dick Wally will have a tying demonstration before dinner beginning at 6:00 with dinner being served at 7:00.


TRIPS – Joe Guenther – Joe reported that the northern Ohio Steelhead trip did not have much response and there was not report on how they did.  Joe is looking into a couple’s trip to Arkansas on the White River and a Kettle Creek trip to Pennsylvania.  He is trying to get Charlie Meek or Joe Humphries to do a seminar on  fly tying, reading the stream, and trout fishing their rivers.  This will be a three-day trip.  Joe finished his report by sharing a picture of his “Mad River Blue Gill”.


RAFFLES – Bob Jones – Bob has enough prizes to cover the winter meetings.  An Orvis raffle prize will be given at the Dec. meeting.  Discussion followed regarding whether it is fair to ask the local shops to donate prizes at cost when Cabeles does not discount their items we purchase.  It was decided that BUFF need to adhere to the current policy in effect.  We can approach manufacturers outside the Cincinnati area.  Shops making donations to our raffles should be mentioned at our meetings and in the Buffer.  Bob Jones will contact D and H.  Adrien Outfitters donated a Trident rod for the banquet.  Jerry Snider donated a custom bamboo rod for a special raffle to be held during the sports show.  Mike Bryant proposed that this be a special raffle of 100 tickets sold at 20.00 each. These tickets are to be sold at the BUFF meetings and at the sports show.  The proceeds from this raffle are to be set up in a Jerry Snider Education Fund to be dispersed at the Board’s discretion.  Dave Uckotter seconded the motion.  Motion Carried.




BUFF Founding Father – Ron Smith – Tony Kalbli met Ron in Florida at the Back Country Fly Fishing Club.  Tony made a motion that a BUFFY award be presented to Ron as a founding member of BUFF.  Tony will present the award at a Back Country Fly Fishing meeting at a later date in Florida.  Louise Goldsberry seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Casting School – Tony Kalbli will attend the Back Country Fly Fishing casting class and will obtain their curriculum so that BUFF could use their curriculum as a model for the proposed casting classes.  Tony would take the  BUFF instructors through the course and these instructors would then teach members interested in casting.  He needs feedback if you are interested by May of 2002. 

Roger Wolfangel will present the entertainment for the Dec. meeting.

Calendar Meeting - at Dave Uckotter’s  Nov. 25 at 7:00.

Conservation Nominations – will be open through the Dec. meeting.  The nominations will be voted on at the Dec. meeting.

Board Recognition Awards – will be voter on in Jan.

Cabin Fever – next meeting on Dec. 8 and Jan. 13 at Mike Bryant’s.  Mike reports that prizes are coming along.  Jim LeBlond will chair “table sponsors” at 50.00 a table. 

Boy Scouts – spring campout where they can earn their fishing merit badges at Camp Frelander.  Jim LeBlond will follow through on this.


Lifetime membership guidelines -  will be discussed and voted upon at the Dec. meeting.


Meeting adjourned


Respectfully submitted,


Jayne Uckotter, secretary



CALENDAR MEETING – Nov. 25, 2001  at Dave Uckotter’s


Present:  Jim LeBlond, Dave Uckotter, Louise Goldsberry, Jayne Uckotter, Tony Kalbli, Don Prince, Bill Fischer, Bob Jones, Bob Goldsberry, Jon Kennard, Joe Guenther, Mike Bryant.


Tony Kalbli made a motion that at the Dec. meeting meal should include salad and dessert costing up to 12.00 per person.  The members will pay 8.00 and the club will subsidize up to 12.00.  Seconded by Joe Guenther.  Motion passed.  Jim LeBlond will follow up on this.