JULY 18, 2001
by Tony Kalbli
IN ATTENDANCE:  Jim LeBlond, Ed Jones, Lou Haines, Bob and Louise Goldsberry, Dave Uckotter, Joe Panfalone, Craig Wilson, Bob Jones, Bill Fisher, Steve Groome, Tony Kalbli
TREASURER'S REPORT:  Louise Goldsberry submitted financial report
CONSERVATION:      Louise Goldsberry is writing checks for $300 each to the Huron Pines Resource conservation and Development Area Council for the AuSable River Project and to the Madmen Chapter of Trout Unlimited.
PROGRAMS:  The August meeting will be at Stonelick Lake State Park starting at 1:00 p.m. till dark.  Casting instruction will be available 3 to 5 p.m. with dinner at 5:00.  Names beginning in A through J are to bring salads and K-Z should bring desserts.
NEW BUSINESS:  Joe Panfalone motioned to end the free dinner to new members.  The motion was seconded and was carried.  Tony Kalbli motioned to sell Red Lose's donations at the September "swap meet" club meeting at Sycamore Park in Batavia.  The motion passed.  Tony Kalbli made a motion to contract with the Clarion for a private room to conduct our monthly Board Meetings at a $50 fee per meeting.  The motion passed.
Respectfully submitted
Tony Kalbli