December, 2003 B.U.F.F. BOD Meeting

Present: Bryant, Fischer, B. Jones, Dressman, Hogue, Kennard, Chambers, Howell, D & J Hampton, Goldsberry, Prince, West, Lilly, Haynes, D. Jones, Shirley.

Welcome -Tom Dressman was introduced as a new member. 

Membership Health -Tom Jones is still undergoing cherno but in fair spirits, cards are appreciated, please call before visiting. Greg Johnson is waiting for a liver transplant but in good spirits.

Future Leaders -Mike communicated that the slate of officers and BOD members was successfully voted on by the membership at the December, 2003 meeting. The BOD discussed the options of membership voting via e‑mail, but decided not to change the bylaws. In future elections, we will send a ballot to members (who request one) via e‑mail, but a paper ballot must be mailed back to be considered in the vote.

FFOY Vote - Don Hogue contacted Linda Roederer and got a price of $50, each ‑ 5 minimum but changing the size of the award from a 6x6 to 7x9. She confirmed she has the art work. Don Hogue motioned we purchase 5 awards totaling $250, Dave Jones seconded and motion passed. The award will be presented at the January meeting. 

BOD Award - another discussion was held on what this award should be. Mike requested a volunteer and Bob Jones will see to it. The vote will be at the January BOD meeting.

Hart Show -Jon Kennard is ready with a display, brochures, poster and fly tying.

Education - Mike Bryant requested suggestions for a speaker at the February dinner meeting. Bob Goldsberry suggested Chris of Clermont County Parks who has a 15 minute presentation on funds available to purchase land along streams. Bob will call him and set it up. Other suggestions for education at February's meeting were a table for knot tying and video's set up for different interests. January speaker will be Bob Bell on Steelheads and in March, Todd Adrian will speak about fly fishing in Montana.

2004 Calendar Updates - Ken West added two fly fishing dates at Parky's Farm, Winton Woods on June 16 1h and September 111h 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to work with kids. Also on April 16, May 7, 14, and 21 also at Parky's Farm for field bus trippers trying to catch the big monster that Lou says is there in 20 minutes.

Upcoming planning meetings - Patti Howell will have the next Banquet planning meeting January 4th, 1:00 p.m. at the club house. Mike Bryant's FF Show planning meeting will be the 29th of December at his house.

CFR Update - Debbie Hampton reported she has secured the dates of August 27, 28, 29 with a $500 deposit and a letter of intent to Deercreek State Park. They have 14 participants. She handed out a copy of a story from a previous participant telling what this program meant to her. Debbie needs volunteers to check out the fishing in the spring.

Carnival Cruise Benefit - Debbie also wanted to present another way to earn money for CFR a reduced rate cruise in Alaska to fish for Salmon. Each cabin booked, $40 goes to CFR. Ken West suggested contacting other clubs through FFF and Patti Howell thought it should be on the BUFF website.

FFF Ohio Sub‑Council - Cleveland Tying Expo is Saturday, January 17 . Mike and Lou will be attending and extended an offer for others to attend as well. The Tying Expo is the same weekend. as the Hart Show, but there should be no issues. Mike is requesting a volunteer to go. Jon said he would work with Mike. Table banner proposal ‑ a discussion began about where another banner could be found and not to put it on front of table but between two poles in back of table. It is believed Jim LeBlond has a banner and Mike will call him.

Year in Review Proposal - Mike Bryant asked the major chairs to note what has been accomplished during 2003. He will review the request at the January BOD meeting.

Holiday Gift to Raffels crew - Bob Jones made a motion to give a gift of $25 each to the crew that takes care of us during dinners at Raffels as a Thank You gift. Ken West seconded and the motion was passed. Debbie will call to get names and put the money into an envelope to be handed to them at January's dinner meeting.

Speakers/Programs - January speaker will be Bob Bell on Steelheads and March, Todd Adrian will speak about fly fishing in Montana.

Membership Report - Dave Jones reported 237 members, four members dropped, added two new members. Forty members now receive the e-mailed BUFFER.

Treasurers Report - Don Hogue gave his report ‑ see attached.

2004 Calendars - Don Prince had the new 2004 calendars which has many BUFF members fishing on each month's picture. He sold 20 at the December dinner meeting. Don will take copies of the calendar around to sell advertising space in the left hand columns for next calendar. He needs good quality photos of members. He will start earlier next year and will coordinate with the club calendar dates so they will appear on this calendar.

Communication- Jon Kennard announced article for the December BUFFER closing date for will be the 24th.

Education - Mike Bryant commented that the education has expanded at the meetings and its been a very busy year. Lou Haynes said he had 15 members sign up for FF101 at the dinner meeting. He contacted the Springdale Recreation Center but thought the $60 was too high and is continuing to look for another place. The class will probably meet 4 to 5 times for two hour classes, and Thursday nights, probably in March. A discussion followed about who should attend: members only or open? It was decided to leave it open.

Conservation - Bob Goldsberry stated it was very important to the club to continue conservation of the rivers which benefits BUFFER members. He hoped a new chair would be found soon. Sycamore Park, Batavia is adding 30 additional acres plus a large island ‑ to the right of the park as you drive in. Our organization donated money to help this happen. Bob also questioned if the club would continue to provide a scholarship of $500 for a student, perhaps a junior in environment studies. It was agreed that this was important and to find a contact. This is Bob's last meeting as the chair for conservation. He will be spending his free time fishing! The BOD expressed its gratitude for Bob's tremendous efforts for BUFF.

Outreach Proposal - Fishing Has No Boundaries - Debbie presented a proposal to donate $250 to this organization to help support 2004 advertising for this event as a way to help them increase the attendance. Ken West seconded, proposal approved.

Banquet - Patti Howell reported 24 reservations, and that cash donations have begun coming in.

Fly Tying class - are very successful. They had eight on Saturday and four Sunday.