August 15, 2001

IN ATTENDANCE: Dave Uckotter, Presiding, Jayne Uckotter, Lora and Tony Kalbli, Bob Jones, Bill Fisher. NOT A QUORUM

MEMBERSHIP - Don Prince - not present

TREASURER - Louise Goldsberry - not present. Lora Kalbli advised that at the August 4th picnic she performed a layman's audit of our treasury and found no irregularities.

BUFFER - Mike Bryant - not present

WEBSTER - Joe Panfalone - not present

EDUCATION - Ed Jones - not present. The Board discussed the need for tracking education hours for meeting IRS requirements. Lora Kalbli will develop a proposed form for each volunteer to submit for logging time. It was proposed that the Secretary be given these forms upon completion.

GLICO/pH - Tony Kalbli - nothing to report

RAFFLES - Bob Jones - After discussion by the Board, Bob Jones will be perusing Cabela's for bargain prizes of a more substantial nature. Tony Kalbli may have a possible contact at Cabela's that would steer us to appropriate bargain merchandise.

NEW BUSINESS - Tony Kalbli would like to have the National Fishing License Petitions proposing open access for those 62 and over available at all meetings for members use. Would the club consider endorsing such a cause?

Also, Tony reiterated his hope to have a BUFF Display Board made and he also expressed the need of a BUFF Exhibit Coordinator with a good sales presence. He has outlined tasks and objectives for such new coordinator in a report to Jim LeBlond.

Additionally, Tony presented a concept of a "BUFF Certified Casting Instructor Program" where capable volunteers would comprise a team that would teach only BUFF approved methods of casting. These instructors would then be able to teach students in a uniform manner. It was discussed that a $25 deposit be required of each student to reserve space in the casting class. Money would be refunded upon completion of the class.

Tony mentioned that he will be teaching the Tie and Lie West the mechanics of go bugs and egg sucking leaches for salmon and steelhead on September 4th.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted

Lora Kalbli, Secretary